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About Us

  Contracting Services
We specialize in development of small to mid size contract software. With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, you can rely on ..
  Virtual Employee
We provide temporary employee(s) till the time you get the resources you want. While this is not the same as having your own employees, you can make sure that ..
  Tool Development
We can provide tools that can automate your repetetive tasks and make you more productive. Typically, tools have a short development period and are not accepted by ..
  Full Business Solution
We have a program by which we can be your development organization. We will learn about your idea and target markets. Then we can provide ..
  Investigative Projects
We can start on a prototype/preliminary version of your next generation product while your employees are busy working on ..
  Process Improvement
We can take a look at your business process from an outsider's view point. We can offer solutions to make your processes more efficient and increase your profitability ..